1.Street prostitute Clients solicited on the street, park or other public places.Serviced inside streets, vehicles or short stay premises. She posted a nude photo of herself just to get client. 2.Brothel Prostitute Premises explicitly dedicated to providing sex.Better security than street.Often licensed by authorities. 3.Escort Prostitute Clients contacts sex worker by phone or via hotel staff.Most convert form of sex work. Relatively expensive, because of low client turnover.Service provided at client's home or hotel room. 4.Bar, Club, Dancehall Prostitute Clidnts solicited in alcohol vending venues and serviced on site or elsewhere. 5.Door Knock Or Hotel Prostitute Unattached males are approached in their hotel room or boarding houses. 6.Transport Prostitute Sex workers may board vehicles to service the crew or passengers or pick up clients at stations and terminal. 7.Beer Girls Prostitute q Young women hired by major companies to promote and sell products in bars and clubs.Sex...
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