Trophy Hunter Fatally Gored In Groin By Herd Mate Of Buffalo He’d Just Killed As he was loading the carcass of the buffalo he'd just killed onto his vehicle, another buffalo charged and fatally gored him in the groin with its horn. ⠀ ⠀ Longtime South African hunter Claude Kleynhans was loading a freshly-killed buffalo carcass onto his vehicle when another buffalo surprised him with a deadly charge. For more than 30 years, this trophy hunter killed the wildlife of South Africa. But now one of the animals he’s long hunted has sent him to his grave. On May 22, 54-year-old Claude Kleynhans and his hunting party shot and killed an African buffalo near the Levubu River in South Africa’s northern Limpopo Province. But as Kleynhans and his companions prepared to load the carcass onto their vehicle, another buffalo from the same herd charged the hunter and gored him in the groin with its horn. The attack hit his femoral artery, according to local news site the Bosveld Review, killing him al...
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