Ex-Disney Channel star charged with sending p-rno to 13-year-old girl Disney’s Kyle Massey sent adult content to a 13-year-old. Former Disney Channel star Kyle Massey has been charged with communication with a minor for immoral purposes, a felony. The 29-year-old actor is accused of sending inappropriate images to a 13-year-old girl. Former Disney star Kyle Massey has been charged with a felony in Washington state for allegedly sending explicit text messages, images, and videos to a 13-year-old girl. Massey, best known for his role as Cory Baxter in “That’s So Raven” and “Cory in the House”, is facing a charge of communicating with a minor for immoral purposes The charge stems from accusations detailed in a 2019 lawsuit against Massey, which was later dismissed According to court documents, the plaintiff in the case met Massey at Universal Studios when she was 4 years old. She said that she stayed in touch with Massey because she wanted to pursue a care...
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