the gruesome story of Robert Pickton, the "Pig Farmer Killer": In February 2002, Canadian police raided the property of pig farmer Robert Pickton in search of illegal firearms — and stumbled upon something more horrifying than they could have ever imagined. Scattered across the property were the remains of at least 33 people, most of them sex workers or Indigenous women, and many of them were found inside his pigpens. Investigators soon learned that not only had Pickton murdered dozens of women, but that he'd taken their bodies to a meat rendering plant or ground them up himself and fed them to the pigs. Soon, officials issued an alert that the meat products Pickton sold to the public may have contained the ground-up remains of his human victims. Learn more about the gruesome story of Robert Pickton, the "Pig Farmer Killer": Robert William "Willy" Pickton (born October 24, 1949) is a Canadian serial killer and former pig farmer. He is susp...
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