40-Year-Old African Woman who Gave Birth to 44 Kids from One Man Went Viral Online. A 40-year-old strong African woman who gave birth to 44 children from one man has gone viral and stunned the internet The woman who is from Uganda delivered 22 boys and 16 girls with her last childbirth coming in December 2016 Popularly known as Mama Uganda, the woman takes care of the children herself as her husband abandoned them after taking off with all their money the family saved. It was reported that she had all these children without undergoing any special medical procedure. According to the woman, she started childbearing at the young age of 13 after she was married off by her parents at age 12. Her husband took off with all their money In a video shared by Explorer Joe Hattab on Facebook, the 40-year-old woman stated that she is a single mum after her husband abandoned them while disappearing with all the money they had. The single mum has now been left to cater for the ...
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