The head of the slain Swedish king Charles XII, killed in 1718 by a projectile while inspecting his troops' lines during the siege of Fredriksten in Norway
The head of the slain Swedish king Charles XII, killed in 1718 by a projectile while inspecting his troops' lines during the siege of Fredriksten in Norway. The shot struck the left side of his skull and exited from the right. These photos were taken during a 1917 autopsy The head of the Swedish king dead Carlos XII, killed in 1718 by a projectile as he inspected the lines of his troops during the siege of Fredriksten in Norway. The shot hit the left side of the skull and out the right. These photos were taken during an autopsy of 1917. The siege of Fredriksten (Norwegian: Beleiringen av Fredriksten festning) was an attack on the Norwegian fortress of Fredriksten in the city of Fredrikshald (now Halden) by King Charles XII of Sweden. While inspecting his troops' lines, Charles XII was killed by a projectile. The Swedes broke off the siege, and the Norwegians held the fortress. Along with the Treaty of Nystad three years later, the death of Charles XII marked the end of the imp...