In 1987, a five-year-old boy was discovered living among the monkeys near the Tugela River in the wilds of KwaZulu Natal, South Africa. Showing only animal-like behavior, he could not talk, walked on all fours, liked climbing trees and loved fruit, especially bananas. He died in a fire in 2005. Have you ever heard the tale of the Jungle Book? You know, the stories are based on a boy living in the Indian forest being raised by wild animals, such as a bear, monkeys, and a black panther. There’s even a Disney movie based on this story. Well, in 1987, a five-year-old bedraggled boy was discovered living among the monkeys near Tugela River in the wilds of KwaZulu Natal, South Africa . Some people called him the real-life Mowgli. This wild child showed only animal-like behavior. He didn’t know how to talk, he walked on all fours, and he liked climbing trees and eating fruits, especially bananas. He didn’t show any signs of civilizati...
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