There are definitely many things you should not tell a man. If you want to avoid fights, jealousies, range attack and even problems of self esteem in yourself it is better that in certain circumstances you close your mouth. Remember the saying " in the closed month, no flies come in" do you usually screw up quite often with your comments? So, try to remember these six things that you should not tell your partners not to make a serious mistake. 1. Do you think she's is cute? If you and your boyfriend cross paths with a woman known to both of you( friend, classmate, co worker or whatever) and you notice that he looks at her a lot, never ask him that question. If he said No you will be angry because you do not believe him and if he said yes, a fit of range will come. Better to aviod meaningless worries and make sure nothing happens 2. When do we meet again? First date with a man you like you have a great time,but at the moment of saying goodbye, He still has not h...
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