Fidel Castro slept with 35,000 women and smoked his first cigar aged 14 According to an Ex-Castro official, Fidel Castro slept with over 35000 women a day for than four decades. One for lunch and one for supper, sometimes he even ordered one for breakfast The dictator had a rapacious sexual appetite, according to a former Castro insider. The New York Post reported that Castro had sex with at least two women a day; at lunch, dinner and sometimes at breakfast. His guards would prowl the beaches of Havana to recruit women. A Vanity Fair reporter in 2008 revealed that he loved to flirt and littered his speech with crude sexual innuendos. When asked how many children he had, he said, laughing, "Well, I don't have a tribe. Not that much, fewer than a dozen." Fidel Castro smoked his first cigar aged 14 “It was my own father who gave me my first cigar, back in Birán. I must have been 14 or 15… I smoked that first puro, and I didn’t know how it was done. Fortunately, I didn’t inh...
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