The Disturbing story of the Teenage YouTube who slit her 9 years old Neighbor's Throat just for fun Alyssa Bustamante, The Teen Who Murdered A 9-Year-Old Girl Shortly after 5 p.m. on October 21, 2009, high school sophomore Alyssa Bustamante lured her 9-year-old neighbor Elizabeth Olten to the woods behind their houses. There, Bustamante strangled Olten, slit her wrists, and cut her throat open before throwing her dead body into a shallow grave that she'd dug five days earlier in preparation for the murder. Then, she covered up the hole with dirt and leaves and walked home. After the murder, she wrote in her diary that after she got over "the 'ohmygod I can't do this' feeling," the feeling of killing Olten was "ahmazing." Go inside the twisted story of Alyssa Bustamante by clicking the link in our profile. Elizabeth Olten was a 9-year-old who was murdered by her neighbor Alyssa Bustamante, who was 15 at the time, in St. Martins, Missouri, on Octo...
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