Things People Should Cancel From Their Life 1 . Porn . Porn movies are not worth watching, they show fake relationship without any love moments, you will just see a man and a woman having sexual intercourse for more than 30,40,50,minutes or 1 hr or more. The lady bathing in spermatozoid and what other rubbish they show. In real life you'll be done in around 10,15 or 20 minutes. 2 . Social media Too much concentration on these apps have destroyed several homes. These are the real intruders in the life of people. Don't get attracted to them. I don't use them. I am happy with my wife. 3 . Extra marital affair Don't venture into a relationship that has a dead end. A point of no return. A source for breaking up your happy married life. Don't plan to regret in the future. 4 . Unnecessary expenses. Calculated expenses are that wise people do. Those who spend money lavishly should stop doing so. plan for future. Economise. 5 . Gambling. This is a bad...
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