A retrieval of a body from an armored vehicle Two British soldiers remove the charred remains of a German tanker from his Panzer IV in North Africa. They're trying to clear a battlefield and move the vehicles to a yard to get ready to be scrapped. You can't scrap a vehicle filled with bodies so taking them out is the first step. Many years ago a gentleman who'd fought with Patton's 3rd Army, told the worst job he had to do was pulling burnt bodies out of tanks. He said the smell was horrible. Two British soldiers remove the badly charred remains of a German tanker who never got out of his Panzer IV. This is from the North African Campaign, 1940-43. To be trapped in a burning tank, unimaginable. No. 75mm armed Shermans would occasionally do it against Tigers and Panthers because scoring a penetrating AP hit was too difficult. This is a Panzer IV though, and 75mm AP fire would penetrate like a blowtorch through butter. This was caused by a WP shell hitting the tank. U...
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