4 Reasons Why Ladies Don't Want To You Visit After Her First Time-------------- Undiluted Relationship Gist Information And Education
After first invitation, if she didn't visit again, Here are the reasons. I. Stupidity telling your girl something incorrect, talking back to your parents in front of a group of people, yelling loudly for no reason (more idiot than stupid), crossing lanes erratically on the road, slipping on the ice after convincing your friends that its safe to run and slide, putting on your shirt backwards, not tying your shoes… or having someone tie your laces to the opposite shoe. She going to think that you are stupid and not to visit again 2. Wickedness and Lack Of Self Control. When He is mean, rude, Controlling and Manipulative, No Humility, Desensitized to Other Evil, Lack of Responsibility. If she visited and notice one of these in you, she Will surely not visit again 3. Sex Addiction when he is unable to control to having sex with her, when He want to have sex every time with her, when He got uncontrolled when see a person of opposite sex, She will not dare to visit again 4. Drugs she vis...