The shocking photos of syphilis victims before penicillin Pre penicillin era - Congenital syphilis. This is what happened when a woman with syphilis gave birth. Syphilis was one of the most horrendous illnesses in history, beginning as weeping sores around the genitals, followed by a rash that covered the entire body. The second stage involved flu-like symptoms and sores that looked like warts on the mouth and genitals. At this stage the patient is at their most contagious. Then, a slight reprieve as the symptoms began to clear and the disease remained dormant for up to a year. It must have been such a relief. But while the outward symptoms might have disappeared, this stage heralded the onset of the inner symptoms, as the bones, heart, nerves and brain were attacked. Then came the most terrifying stage of all; the tertiary stage of the sexually transmitted disease where painful ulcers appeared on the face, and as the sores got deeper, the flesh dropped away, leaving deep craters. The ...
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