Is it true that, If you have a lover you don’t need porn?” is a common anti-porn trope, which suffers from the small but still significant flaw of being absolute, utter bollocks. However guys watch porn before the arrival of their girlfriend, when they have a girlfriendfriend or beside their naked girlfriend. Below are the 6 reasons why guys watch porn beside their girlfriend 1. To Arouse Her Feeling For sex They use it as a bait to lure girls into having sex with them . Most commonly, guys believed that, If their girl watch other people doing sexy things it will arouses their own sexual excitement and makes sex with them. There are, of course, many variations on sexual preferences, so some men actually prefer the sure thing of porn, fantasization, and masturbation to the more demanding experience of getting it right with a real partner. 2. To Learn More Styles Of Sex when Guys watch porn something to find new styles of sex he can try with his girlfriend. They want to learn how a w...
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