11 Signs You’re A Great Lay, Because Good In Bed Means You Don't Take Yourself Too Seriously Are you a great lay? It’s a question many people ask themselves, but also a question that's difficult to answer on one's own. It’s not as though your partner is going to come out and tell you that you suck in bed. Even a one-night stand isn’t very likely to tell you that your technique -- all of it -- needs some work. Because of this, trying to figure out the whether you're good in bed can be tricky. Sometimes, all you can do is hope that you’re at least better than average, because that’s something, right? But the fact is that there are people out there who are fantastic in bed. These are the people who spoil those of us who have been fortunate enough to have sex for with them for years, sometimes decades, afterward. Being good in bed is an art, and it’s one that takes time, practice, and a whole boatload of other things -- most importantly, communication. I like to b...
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