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SO Sad! Transgender Woman Pleads For Life Before Mob Beat Her To Death. click image to read story

SO Sad! Transgender Woman Pleads For Life Before Mob Beat Her To Death. click image to read story
42-year-old Dandara dos Santos was kicked, punched, and hit with shoes and a plank of wood in front of residents in Fortaleza, Ceara state, Brazil... till death. click image to read story

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Top 3 Moments Not To Approach A Woman

  1. Exercise The number one time not to approach a woman is when she is exercising. Now I know there are few desperate young ladies that go to the gym to get attention from men and not to exercise. You can easily tell by their full face of make up, freshly Curled hair, and come freak me yoga pants. They will not be working out much so free feel approach them because you definitely get what you want. That is why I was specific when I said exercising as opposed to the gym because there is a different. Now if you see a young lady going hard in the paint and she is visibly tired. Sweety, and out of breath, do not 2. On the phone This has got to be the rudest things to do to anyone. Lesson of the day: home tranning! I can't tell you how many times I envisioned kicking someone in the esophagus because they are trying to start a conversation with me when you see that I'm already engaged in conversation on my head held mobile device. You have no idea who is on the other line! What if ...