An article from the April 18, 1963 edition of the Massfield News-Journal promised “You’ll be able to carry a phone in pocket in future
An article from the April 18, 1963 edition of the Massfield News-Journal promised “You’ll be able to carry a phone in pocket in future.” Other telephones of the future includes a kitchen loud speaking telephone, and a visual image telephone. The kitchen instrument can be used as regular telephone, a loudspeaking phone if the housewife happens to be busy preparing a meal, or as an intercom station for the home. Right now, it's a laboratory development and it's workable, allowing the carrier to make and answer calls wherever he may be. Other telephones of the future includes a kitchen loud speaking telephone, and a visual image telephone. The kitchen instrument can be used as regular telephone, a loudspeaking phone if the housewife happens to be busy preparing a meal, or as an intercom station for the home. The visual image telephone allows the parties to converse by way of a microphone and loud speaker while a miniature television camera transmits the image. The "TV phone...