I went extra miles to discover a way to get my money back from a scammer. Here is what I did that you should do same to get your money back. Step 1 Contact Your Bank Immediately Most frauds would mostly always concern the bank. However, if yours did not concern the bank, you should skip this step. For those whose case concerns the bank, like credit card scam, you always have a chance with your bank. When a fraud occurs, like it did to me, I chatted up my bank immediately via the Twitter handle. Fortunately, they responded in about 3-minute time. I disclosed the incident to the bank and ask how to get my money back from a scammer. The bank wasn’t negative about the incident and did not rain blames on me at all. What the Bank Does in the Process First, I complained to them that I made a transaction with a fake online store and I need a reversal. They asked for the account details of the scammer which I provided and they promised to look into case. But how? Here is how they look into the ...
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