What To Do If Your ex called You And Cried To You saying She misses You. If She was the one that broke up with You.
What To Do If Your ex called You And Cried To You saying She misses You. If She was the one that broke up with You. My personal, no bullshit opinion?….Fuck Them. Yea I said it. Fuck them. But why Jonathan, she misses me. Let me explain. Did she care about your feelings when she left? That's a negative. Did she try to see if the grass is greener on the other side? More than likely yes and she failed. Does she see you as plan B? Probably yes, especially if the above is true. Do you want to be the 2nd option to someone? My guess is no, so…… fuck them. Let her crocodile tears fall on someone else. All she is most likely going to do is get you back until she finds someone else and then dump you again. In other words, fuck her (if you didn't get it by now) and focus on yourself. You deserve not to get hurt again and played for a fool. Edit: This applies to a grand majority of exes, however, to be clear, it does not apply to ALL exes. Deep inside you know a good ex ver...