"Onfim Wuz Here" Onfim was a young boy who lived in Novgorod (present-day Russia) some time around 1220 or 1260. He left his notes and homework exercises scratched in this soft birch bark which was preserved in the clay soil of Novgorod. Onfim was probably 6 or 7 at the time and wrote in the Old Novgorodian dialect of Old East Slavic. Besides letters and syllables, he drew "battle scenes and drawings of himself and his teacher". UNDILUTED RELELATIONSHIP GIST, INFORMATION AND EDUCATION: Having a good listener can really help. We want to hear what you're going through. Chat with us today when you need. You Don't have to journey alone. Fill in the comment box below and one of our mentors will respond as soon as possible. It's confidential and always free. UNDILUTED RELELATIONSHIP GIST, INFORMATION AND EDUCATION care! UNDILUTED RELATIONSHIP GIST, INFORMATION AND EDUCATION offers all kind of relationship advice, bringing you the very best informat...
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