How To Know If Someone Who Had A Crush On You Is Slowly Losing Interest In You A very wise man once said “an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.” If you have a crush on her then you have to do things to keep her interested. Spend time with her. Show interest in her life. Most guys try to sell themselves. That is always a bad idea especially with girls who are popular. If a girl is responding to your crush at all she is already interested in you. What she is really interested in is what you think about her. Give her a chance to talk about herself. Ask her if she has any hobbies? What does she do for fun? Does she have a dream for the future? Most guys never learn how to create a good relationship with a woman. there are many differences between the sexes. We think differently. We communicate differently but we also have much in common. All human beings need positive reinforcement. Men want their women to love and respect them. Guess what? women want the same thing. ...
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