20 Must Ask Question Before Marriage 1. How should We handle finances after We get Marriage? We couldn't possibly fight that much over money or could We? Sorry to worry you But there are thousands of Marriage that are on Very thin ice because of these Very subject.( 29% end up divourcing because of it) To prevent such quarrels, Andrea Bonior, an expert Marriage councellor made a list of critical questions to ask before walking down the aisle: A. Do want you want to manage our finances together or separately? B. Who much of our income should We saves ? C. Who much should We spend individually? D. Where do you usually spend most of your money? E. Do you think saving alot of money is important? F. Do you think saving money is worth in the Long run? G. If you invest, what do you usually invest in? H. When should We start preparing for retirement? I. It is Okay to lend money to friends or family? J. How much money do you wish to save in the future? These ...
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