In 1954, an Extraterrestrial Bruiser Shocked This Alabama Woman Ann Elizabeth Fowler Hodges, the first documented individual to not only be struck by a meteorite but also live through the encounter in 1954. The grapefruit sized fragment crashed through the roof of her farm house, bounced off a large wooden console radio, and hit Hodges while she napped on a couch. The 34 year old woman was badly bruised on one side of her body, but was able to walk. The event received worldwide publicity. On November 30, 1954, Ann Hodges experienced a rude awakening. As the 34-year-old lay napping cozily under quilts on the sofa in her Alabama home, she awoke with a jolt as she became the only human being known to have suffered an injury after being struck by a meteorite. The approximately 8.5-pound, 4.5-billion-year-old interplanetary traveler shot like a bullet through her Sylacauga house’s roof at 2:46 p.m. It banged into her large radio console and bounced onto her body, causing a large bruise on h...
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