The characteristics of beauty does not rest on pretty, hot neither sexy. A lady can be good looking but that doesn't mean she is beautiful. Hot and sexy shouldn't be a word to address a beautiful lady. It be long to prostitution. It wasn't by nature's to be hot and sexy. A lady looking sexy made herself to be in order to get men attention. Is that not what the prostitute do? To most Ladies, being hot and sexy make them seem that they are beautiful but they are not. What makes a woman beautiful is not because of her pretty face. The beauty of a woman does not rely on her face. Being pretty or not does not makes her beautiful. If a lady got a pretty face doesn't mean she is beautiful but a beautiful lady can be pretty. What makes a woman beautiful is not because she is hot and sexy. A lady cannot be hot, sexy and be beautiful. A girl putting on a mini dress and bumper shot get men attention and she is not beautiful she is only inviting the pen*s. What makes h...
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