Biblical speaking, Christmas has nothing to do with Christ. Christmas has already been existing before Christ. The date December 25th marks the end of year =360. The celebration which many claim Christmas comes from is really untrue. Jesus was not born on December 25th. The Roman Catholic church being an amalgamation of paganism and Christianity, mixed a lot of pagan practice in their belief system and in order to make the transition from pagan to " Christian " they kept the pagan holidays, statues ( renaming them with names of " saint "). The Emperor who was a Sun worshipping pagan claimed conversion to Christianity for political and economic reasons and made everyone honor the day of the Sun ( December 25th) Christmas is a pagan holiday and it was based on the birthday of several pagan gods at the winter solstice. How It's Happened Pagan Romans celebrated for 12 days from 12 December to 23 December. This involved a lot of present giving. From 17 - 23 Decem...
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