The Edo State Police Command have arrested a 21-year-old nanny, Precious Mmaduike, who allegedly kidnapped her boss’ children in Lagos and took them to Benin City, Edo State. The suspect was arrested alongside two others on Thursday, August 26, 2021, three days after she abducted the kids from their residence in Surulere area of Lagos. The other suspects are identified as Jane Osas, 35, and 45-year-old John Obasu. The command’s spokesperson, Kontongs Bello, in a statement said, “The abduction was planned and executed by their housemaid. Precious Mmaduike, used her familiarity with the children as househelp and abducted them from Lagos to Benin City, Edo state. The father of the children said they were given N500 by his wife to buy biscuits outside the compound in the company of the nanny, but failed to return. He said the phone of the nanny was later switched off and efforts to find the children proved abortive. The father reported the situation to the Aguda police station in Lago...
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