What Is The Wendigo? Meet The Cannibalistic Cryptid Of Your Nightmares "The Wendigo was gaunt to the point of emaciation, its desiccated skin pulled tightly over its bones. With its bones pushing out over its skin, its complexion the ash gray of death, and its eyes pushed back deep into the sockets, the Wendigo looked like a gaunt skeleton recently disinterred from the grave." According to Algonquian Native American folklore, the man-eating wendigo stalks the northern forests of the United States and Canada, constantly searching for people to eat. While this fearsome beast was once just a lost hunter, his intense hunger drove him to cannibalism — and transformed him into the monster he is today. In the folklore of Plains and First Nations people, the wendigo was once a legendary hunter who turned to cannibalism — and became an insatiable monster. As the tale goes, the wendigo was once a lost hunter. During a brutally cold winter, this man’s intense hunger drove him to canniba...
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