The times when intercourse is more likely to result in a baby boy are the peak, the first red zero day and very rarely in the second zero day. you are more likely to succeed in having a boy if you avoid intercourse at the peak for several cycles. what to know first; 1. the peak: it is the lasy day of definite slipperiness whether there is any obvious stretching or not, that day is given a special name the peak because ovulation occurs about that time. it is therefore impossible to recognise which one is the peak untill one sees that tthe next day is without egg white. at the end of the next day you can then look back and say yesterday must have been my peak. the law of the three red zero days: the three days following the peak are known as the three red zero days. for the reasons given below, if pregnancy is not desired, it is important to aviod intercourse for these three days and nights. there are two special things about the three red zero days. pregnanc...
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