Gaetana’s revenge: 23 children victims of superstition in Italy at the end of the 19th century Gaetana Stimoli, of Aderno, Sicily, was the architect of the killing of 23 children. Her style was to lure the unsuspecting children to her home with the promise of treats, once she had convinced her victims, the innocent children would go to her home and she would give them some wine with traces of undiluted phosphoric acids, which is incredibly poisonous to the human body. The unsuspecting victims would then be sent back home, but just before they would get to their respective homes, they would suffer excruciating bodily pain which led to the inevitability of death. Stimoli was believed to have lost two children of her own and she believed that their deaths was as a result of some sort of bewitchment. Therefore in order to achieve some form of karmic balance in her mind, Stimoli sought to take the lives of other children to avenge hers. This occurred in the late 19th century, when witchcraf...
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