last public execution occurred 1900. Patrick Dunphy killed his own children to claim insurance last public execution occurred 1900. Patrick Dunphy killed his own children to claim insurance . As execution coincided with visit of Queen Victoria it was thought he would receive life sentence . Due to the nature of the crime the execution went ahead. As we approach the annual soppy snogfest of St. Valentine’s Day you might be surprised to hear that Saint Valentine is yet another romantic Dubliner! The saint was clubbed to death in Rome on 14th February in 269 AD for supporting loving couples and marrying them together, practices which were forbidden there at that time. His remains were given to an Irish priest, John Spratt, in 1835 by Pope Gregory XVI. St Valentine’s Feast Day falls on 14 February, on which day lovers have customarily exchanged cards and other tokens of affection. It is not clear why Valentine should have been chosen as the patron saint of lovers, but it has been s...
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