CAR BOMB KILLS THE NO. 2 MAN IN CRIME FAMILY In 1986, Frank DeCicco was blown up by a car bomb in Brooklyn after he conspired to whack the boss of the Gambino family. Sammy "The Bull" Gravano was the first to encounter the grisly aftermath: "I grabbed a leg, but he ain't coming with it. The leg is off. One of his arms is off. I got my hand under him and my hand went right through his body to his stomach. There's no ass. His ass, his balls, everything, is blown completely off." See the photos and take a closer look inside DeCicco's disturbing demise by clicking the link in our bio. The owner of an Italian restaurant directly across the street from where the car was parked said that Mr. DeCicco and Mr. Bellino were ''very good customers'' of his establishment but had not been in the restaurant before the explosion. Tommaso Verdillo, the owner of Tommaso's Italian restaurant at 1464 86th Street, said that one of his employees told him th...
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