Man Demands Refund Of N4.2M He Spent On His Girlfriend For Refusing To Marry Him A twitter user with the handle @elharsh took to the platform to narrate how her friend refused to marry her fiance of four years. She however didn't stated the reason why her friend refused to marry him including the list of items he bought for her. According to her the fiance demands full refund of all he has spent on her which amount to millions of naira In the tweet, she says "My friend refused to marry her boyfriend of 4 years. This guy made a list of everything he ever did for her. He demands that the family pay him 4.2m Her father said he should take her to Court" UNDILUTED RELELATIONSHIP GIST, INFORMATION AND EDUCATION: Having a good listener can really help. We want to hear what you're going through. Chat with us today when you need. You Don't have to journey alone. Fill in the comment box below and one of our mentors will respond as soon as possible. It's confidenti...
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