Nikolai Dzhumagaliev known as 'Metal Fang' for his unusual false teeth made from white metal, is a Kazakhstan serial killer and cannibal
Nikolai Dzhumagaliev known as 'Metal Fang' for his unusual false teeth made from white metal, is a Kazakhstan serial killer and cannibal. His very first murder was absolutely brutal! In his own words this is how we described it, "I always loved to hunt, often went hunting, but this was my first time hunting a woman. When I went out on the Uzun-agach-Maibulak track, I saw some young peasant woman. She was alone. I felt my heart pound within me and I ran after her. Hearing my footsteps, she turned around, but I caught up with her and put my arm around her neck, dragged her to the side of the landfill. She resisted, and then I cut her throat with a knife. Then I drank her blood. At this point, from the village appeared Bus Factory. I laid down on the ground and crouched next to the murder. While I was lying in my cold hands. When the bus drove, I warmed my hands on the woman's body and stripped her naked. I cut the corpse's breast into strips, removed the ovaries, sep...