11-year-old boy saves choking school mate and woman from a fire in same day An 11 years old boy saved the lives of two people on the same day. He saw a friend chocking at school and performed the Heimlich manoeuver. Then on his way he saw a house on fire and pulled a woman to safety 11-year-old saves two lives in one dayDavyon Johnson, an 11-year-old boy from Oklahoma, is being honored by his community after saving two lives in one day.Muskogee Public Schools/Facebook Davyon Johnson, an 11-year-old boy from Oklahoma, is being honored by his community after saving two lives in one day. Johnson performed the Heimlich maneuver on a classmate and helped a woman on a walker escape a fire in her home on Dec. 9, according to the Muskogee Police Department. The Muskogee Police Department and the Muskogee County Sheriff's Office presented Johnson with a certificate making him an honorary member of both of their forces. "He has always indicated that he wants to be an EMT," Johnso...
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