Facebook founder & CEO Mark Zuckerberg, announced the name change in a statement issued on Thursday, October 28. According to Zuckerberg, the change of name will reflect the company’s efforts on rebranding its future operations. "To reflect who we are and the future we hope to build, I’m proud to share that our company is now Meta," Zuckerberg said. Speaking further, he said: "Our mission remains the same — it’s still about bringing people together. Our apps and their brands aren’t changing either. We’re still the company that designs technology around people. "But all of our products, including our apps, now share a new vision: to help bring the metaverse to life. And now we have a name that reflects the breadth of what we do. "From now on, we will be metaverse-first, not Facebook-first. That means that over time you won’t need a Facebook account to use our other services. As our new brand starts showing up in our products, I hope people around the wo...
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