Eight US states will accept driver's licences and other state IDs stored on an iPhone, Apple has announced. The feature, first announced at a presentation in June, lets iPhone users store IDs in the Wallet app. Some had expressed privacy concerns about handing over smartphones to police or security officials. Apple now says users do not need to unlock or hand over their phones for the system to work for airport security. But it remains unclear if or how it might eventually work for other uses of ID, such as drivers stopped by police. Security checkpoints Arizona, and Georgia will introduce the system first, with Connecticut, Iowa, Kentucky, Maryland, Oklahoma, and Utah also signed up. The "first locations" to use the system will be airport security checkpoints run by the Transportation Security Administration (TSA), Apple says. Americans usually need some form of state ID only to travel by air domestically, unlike other countries, in which a passport is widely used. Tappi...
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