Woman Buries Her Baby Alive In Kaduna A 33-year-old woman identified as Hauwa on Saturday allegedly connived with her 35-year-old elder sister, Zainab, to remove her foetus and bury it in a shallow grave at People’s Club Hotel in Tudun Wada, Kaduna. An investigation by this correspondent revealed that both sisters who reside close to the hotel facility checked in Friday night after they paid N2,000 accommodation fee to execute their chilling plan. Sources within the area say the young woman was well known though they could not ascertain the age of the pregnancy, noting that she must have carried out the dastardly act due to a paternity issue surrounding the pregnancy or due to family pressure. ‘”Hauwa is a well-known pregnant woman around here. She came around yesterday to book for accommodation. No one ever thought that she had such a thing in mind. What we don’t also know is whether she gave birth before daybreak or someone helps her removed the baby,’ a source who spoke in confidenc...
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