Husband Caught Stealing Fish From Pot. A quite hilarious video that was shared on social media recently, shows the moment a wife nabbed her husband stealing fish from her cooking pot in the middle of the night. In the quite funny video that’s been serving rounds on the internet, the creeping husband was nabbed in the kitchen, holding a flash light to enable him see the fish he was about to take from the pot. His wife walked in on him putting the fish on his plate and after he was caught red-handed, he sheepishly surrendered to his wife and begged, saying he won’t do it again. The video has since left netizens laughing with many of them relating with the man’s predicament most especially when it’s their moms who’s nabbed them. The video is attached. Watch how his wife caught him stealing. Credit: YabaleftOnline. UNDILUTED RELELATIONSHIP GIST, INFORMATION AND EDUCATION: Having a good listener can really help. We want to hear what you're going through. Chat with us today when you...
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