Does women Beauty actually Get "Wore Out" What I mean here is " Woman beauty fades away?' The Beauty of a lady wear a way. The beauty of a lady can be seem as that of a football players that are bound to cost more than older ones as they will have more years to offer in current form and there is also scope for improvement as he gains experience The beauty of a lady can also been seen as Marigolds flowers that are known for their cheerful, abundant blooms in warm summer colors of red, orange, gold and variegated but die off for a short period of time. They become more attractive and on form at tweentie. At this period of time they are on the top of the world- the rate men want them is very high, They seem to be every man choice, they get woe often by different men at all places they go and at any time. They are most value. But After 35, their beauty die off and They become less attractive to men. The rate in which men want them drop and they don't seem to be men ...
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