1. Putting women on a pedestal If you put women on a pedestal, the only way they can look at you is down . 2. Bragging and arrogance are some of the most common reasons women get disappointed from good looking, at least, at first sight, clever men. Right from the beginning, he can’t talk about anything but his influence in his social circle, A-list celebrities he knows, or his huge salary. I, I, I – 3. Talking constantly about yourself equals showing no interest in her r the need to convince herself in your awesomeness. Know that a big part of being attractive to women is the ability to make her feel special and that is achieved by asking questions and being generally curious about what kind of person she is. 4. Being rude to service professionals like waiters, bus drivers, gardeners. How you treat people that you have no interest in shows women your real character. No (good, high-quality) woman feels comfortable in the ...
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