After doing several abortions for him – Lady cries bitterly as boyfriend of 11 years marries another lady (Video)
After doing several abortions for him – Lady cries bitterly as boyfriend of 11 years marries another lady (Video) A young lady has shared her heartbreak story in a video making rounds on social media platforms. She revealed that her boyfriend of 11 years dumped her and got married to another lady. In the video she posted online, the lady also disclosed that she did several abortions throughout the duration of the relationship. But sadly, he did not see her as wife material as he called to tell her about his marriage to someone else. The heartbroken lady was singing along to Jojo Baby’s ”Downtown” while sharing her story in the video. click here to watch video UNDILUTED RELELATIONSHIP GIST, INFORMATION AND EDUCATION: Having a good listener can really help. We want to hear what you're going through. Chat with us today when you need. You Don't have to journey alone. Fill in the comment box below and one of our mentors will respond as soon as possible. It's co...