Bride Shot Dead At Her Wedding During Celebratory Gunfire When Stray Bullet From Guest Hits Her In The Head
Bride Shot Dead At Her Wedding During Celebratory Gunfire When Stray Bullet From Guest Hits Her In The Head A 24-year-old bride has been shot dead at her wedding ceremony after a stray bullet from a celebratory gunfire hit her in the head. Mahvash Leghaei got married at Firuzabad in Iran when a guest, who is believed to be a cousin of the groom, fired his unlicensed high-powered hunting rifle. The bullet reportedly went straight through her skull and also injured two male guests at the event. Police spokesman Colonel Mehdi Jokar said: 'We had an emergency call of a shooting at a wedding hall in Firuzabad city and officers were dispatched immediately. 'The officers discovered that somebody had fired shots with a hunting rifle as part of the local nomad tradition, but unfortunately because of the crowds and the person's poor control of the weapon, he managed to shoot three people, two men and the bride. 'The shooter then fled the area but police located the man still carr...