Biblical speaking, Christmas has nothing to do with Christ. Christmas has already been existing before Christ. The date December 25th marks the end of year =360. The celebration which many claim Christmas comes from is really untrue. Jesus was not born on December 25th.
The Roman Catholic church being an amalgamation of paganism and Christianity, mixed a lot of pagan practice in their belief system and in order to make the transition from pagan to " Christian " they kept the pagan holidays, statues ( renaming them with names of " saint ").
The Emperor who was a Sun worshipping pagan claimed conversion to Christianity for political and economic reasons and made everyone honor the day of the Sun ( December 25th) Christmas is a pagan holiday and it was based on the birthday of several pagan gods at the winter solstice.
How It's Happened
Pagan Romans celebrated for 12 days from 12 December to 23 December. This involved a lot of present giving. From 17 - 23 December it became a time of wild revelry and indulgence called saturnalia. During this time they had a standard greeting, " Yo saturnalia ". The Roman Empire was divided into three parts by AD 274 the wicked pagan emperor Aurelian re United the empire. On 22 December he beheaded Felix the Bishop of Rome. On 25 December ( giving the drunken mob a day to sober up after saturnalia ended on 23 December) he then declared the 25th December to be the birthday of Sol invictus " the unconquerable Sun god.
Just before he died in AD 352, pope Julius, who was the Bishop of Rome copied this festival and called it the birthday of the son of God. So it became like the pagans " a time of gift giving and partying. "Merry Christmas" greeting replaced " Yo Saturnalia" greeting.
Why Christian Should Not Celebrate Christmas
In the early years of Christianity, Easter was the main holiday; the birth of Jesus was not celebrated. In the fourth century, church officials decided to institute the birth of Jesus as a holiday. Unfortunately, the Bible does not mention date for his birth (a fact Puritans later pointed out in order to deny the legitimacy of the celebration). Although some evidence suggests that his birth may have occurred in the spring (why would shepherds be herding in the middle of winter?), Pope Julius I chose December 25. It is commonly believed that the church chose this date in an effort to adopt and absorb the traditions of the pagan Saturnalia festival. First called the Feast of the Nativity, the custom spread to Egypt by 432 and to England by the end of the sixth century.
The Reasons why Christian celebrite Christmas was because The Bible was contradicted to have the wise men coming with gifts to the birth of the baby Jesus in a stable. Matthew 2:11 say" they went into a house and found a young child. He was about two years old. Christians today worship God in December by following the pagan pattern and date. But THIS IS WHAT YOU SHOULD KNOW!
Jeremiah chapter 10 said we must not follow the pagan custom of cutting down a tree to decorate it with gold and silver. The church makes this unscriptural Christmas tree the centre of the festival
Christmas is Christ's mass. A mass is an unscriptural Catholic event. The Bible never asked us to celebrate or remember Christ birth.
The early Christian ( the disciples and the appostle of Jesus Christ did not observed it) there is no evidence that the early Christians celebrated Christmas. If Christmas should be celebrate then they should be the first to observe it.
Christmas is not biblical. It is a pagan holiday( winter solstice ) already worshipped by the pagans, which emperors constantine ( 4th century ) the Roman Catholic church upheld and changed it to be the supposed birthday of Jesus Christ. We are indirectly celebrating false religion. Jesus is truth, he does not want us or need us to celebrate false religion
Over the years, The outcome of Christmas has not been good. During this period, the rate of fornication increases, there is an increased of unwanted pregnancy and increased rate of abortion among girls. Is this not to tell's that is not from God? It is satanic. If you critically examine the way its celebrated you will agree with me that it is ungodly. Christmas shouldn't be the day we should eat our favorite mean but it should be the day we go out preaching the gospel of Christ as never before. It should be the day the sale of bible will be of increased. It shouldn't be a day to wear expensive clothes but it should be the day to put on the banner of Christ in a such a way, we should have the picture of Jesus Christ on our T shirt but it has never been so. This is to tell you that satanic forces is behind it.
But nevertheless, the gate of hell cannot prevail against the good work of God. As it is now Christmas is wearing away. Christmas was very hot in the 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17,18,19,20 century but currently now is dieing gradually. We no longer see great numbers of houses build with Palm front by children, children no longer reached elders for christmas gift as before, etc. it's watering. It will get to a point whereby nobody will talk of Christmas, Mark my word it just a matter of time it will surely come to pass.
Have you not imagine why pagan are also observing Christmas? A Christian saw a pagan cooking rice on the Christmas day. She said to her, "I thought you are an idol worshipper, why must you follow us celebrate the birthday of our Lord Jesus Christ? "
Please, we Christians we should not been disgracing our self. It is their feast and not ours. Remember DEUTERONOMY 12:32 that say " whatever thing I command you, observe to do it: you shall not add to it, nor diminish from it. " Again in REVELATION 22:18 " For I testify to every man who shall hear the words of the prophecy of this book, If any man shall add to these things, God shall add to him the plagues that are written in this book." Is it not true that celebrating Christmas and adding it to your Christian calendar totally contrary to these commands? Is Christmas not adding to God's word? and how then will you not be found a liar? all of whom will have their part in the lake of fire after the judgment day:
Celebrating Christmas is it biblical? Should Christian celebrate Christmas? What your sale? Comment below!
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