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SO Sad! Transgender Woman Pleads For Life Before Mob Beat Her To Death. click image to read story

SO Sad! Transgender Woman Pleads For Life Before Mob Beat Her To Death. click image to read story
42-year-old Dandara dos Santos was kicked, punched, and hit with shoes and a plank of wood in front of residents in Fortaleza, Ceara state, Brazil... till death. click image to read story

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Simple ways to ask her for sex

Are you Shy – 8 Simple Ways To Ask Your Partner For $ex. It’s Harmattan once again and the weather is really cold, what we call “gum body weather”. Know more, feel more confident, relax and enjoy the moment Know more, feel more confident, relax and enjoy the moment No doubt we all want to keep ourselves warm this season. Some individuals are very shy when it comes to asking their spouse for S-EX”-x, not to worry, here are eight simple ways to ask your partner for S-EX”-x this season.
1. Touch your spouse on the stimulating areas to get them in the mood. Nipples, neck, back.
2. Sleep naked together. The greater and easier the access, the more the S-EX”-x.
3. Invite your spouse for a sensual, intimate dance. Salsa, slow dance, bump and grind. There is no way you two will be close to each other, body to body and not want to make love. This is why married people need to go out on dates more, go out and find intimacy. Find intimacy in dancing in the house too.
4. Ask for S-EX”-x unapologetically. Tell your spouse without wasting time. Stop suffering alone in S-EX”-xual fire. Sometimes all you have to do is to open your mouth and say: “My love, S-EX”-x me, NOW!”

5. Pose in a seductive way. Lay in bed in a S-EX”-xual way, lady deliberately bend in front of him in a manner to suggest an invite.
6. Whisper naughty things into your spouse’s ear. There is something S-EX”-xy about hearing and feeling your spouse breathing in a horny way.
7. Massage your spouse’s body, touch and care arouses your spouse.
8. Send your spouse naughty messages during the day saying what you will do to him/her. By the time you get home, you both will be in the mood.


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