When a group of people is laughing, every person will instinctively look at the person he/she likes the most.
If, while you’re talking, someone is showing you their hands and palms, it’s a sign that the person trusts you.
While you’re talking with someone, nod and ask questions. This will make the person you’re talking to more interested.
When you lie, you should add a few embarrassing details. This will make your lie more credible.
If you ask someone something and that person hesitates in answering your question, you should stay silent for a few seconds. Usually, people tend to start talking when you do this.
I’ve talked to you about the Zeigarnik effect in another post. It explains that people tend to remember incomplete processes easier than complete ones. So, if you can’t remember a song, repeat a verse or a combination of words you remember until you remember the hole song.
If you ask someone for help and they ask you to do something for them in return instead of a thank you, you should say no.
Gum helps you cope with stressful situations. Chew gum when you have an exam or when you’re in a situation that stresses you out.
When you’re in the middle of a discussion, pay attention to people’s legs. If their feet are directed towards you, it means that the person is interested in what you have to say. If their feet face something else, they are probably waiting for the conversation to end.
If you show that you’re happy to see someone, they will likely respond with the same happiness.
If you have problems with remembering names, try this: when you encounter someone, try saying “Hello, X!”, or “How are you, Y?”. This way you’ll memorize their names easier.
While you’re talking with someone, smile and maintain eye contact. This will make people be open with you.
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