QUESTION: Anytime i touch my breasts i feel there is something strong or hard inside. What is this strong thing?
ANSWER: When a girl feels something hard or strong in her breasts, it will be wrong to guess and give a name. However, I advise you to see the doctor for help so that a diagnosis is reached quickly. This could be the formation of the mammary gland mostly when a girl is pregnant or as a result of breast cancer or ordinary lump. Some girls could notice something strong in their breast during menstruation and ovulation if still doubt as to what cause this, see the doctor.
QUESTION: The nipple of my breast are turned in. They are not shed out. Will this not interfere with breast feeding if i give birth in future?
ANSWER: Yes, it may interfere with breast feeding when you have given birth if they are not pushed out. Such nipples are called " inverted nipples". They are attached to the underlying structures of the breast stead of being loosely attached to the breast tissues. These inverted nipples could be made erect through exercise.
QUESTION: Can abortion enlarge the females breasts?
ANSWER: Yes. It can also make them saggy (to fall) thereby losing their natural shapes
QUESTION: I have pains in my breasts, what could cause is?
ANSWER: Most females have pains in the breast when they ovulate, when menses is approaching and when there is pregnancy but if pains persist for a long time, se the doctor for proper diagnosis and treatment.
QUESTION: My breast are very small, What can i do to increase them?
ANSWER: make use of padded brassier. Visit the doctor to check the level of hormoes in your blood. Dont massage or squeeze your breasts. It cannot increase it.
QUESTION: I am a young girl of 19. I have saggy breasts. I am ashamed of this, What should i do?
ANSWER: There is solution to saggy breasts. make use of the bra that can lift up your breasts. Preferably use cup i.e. curved plastics used for supporting the breasts. you can also make use of salomy which could reduce and lift the breasts. frequent pregnancy and abortion can make breasts to fall in female.
QUESTION: My breasts are not the same, The right is bigger than the left. Why the difference?
ANSWER: It is natural in most females. You can also observe such difference in arms and legs in which the right arm and right leg are bigger than the left arm and left leg.
QUESTION: My breasts are very big. people called me " milk industry". I am ashamed to appear in public. What should i do to reduce them because my mind is greatly troubled?
ANSWER: Reduce intake of carbohydrates and fatty foods. Exercises can help reduce the big breasts. Do not use bras that are loose and cant hold the breasts firmly. Use the bra of your burst size.
QUESTION: Are there drugs one could take in order to increase orreduce the breast?
ANSWER: Yes there are so many drugs that can help increase or reduce the breasts. This can only be taken when you have consulted your doctor in order to rule out any negative side effects.
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