Sleeping is such an everyday activity and no one seems to pay attention to it more carefully, like why do we sleep in such usual positions, and what exactly makes them more comfortable for us? These are some couple sleep positions that can answer some subtle stuff about our tendencies, character hints or preferences.
1. Spooning while sleeping
This is a common position and it’s really tender and beautiful, but it also tells us something else. The big spoon (the embracer) is the one who is more dominant in the relationship and who provides affection, support, protection, while the small spoon (the embraced) is more passive or receives the dominant’s affection.
2. Sleeping against his/her chest
Couples who do this position manifest pure love. This position is more common when the partners are newlyweds: it creates a sense of protection and trust and it strengthens the relationship.
3. Spooning at the edge of the bed
When one person moves away, the other follows until they are spooning at the edge of the bed. Following their partner while they sleep shows a high level of commitment, and with this position the partner’s subconscious is actually saying they’ll support each other through good or bad.
4. Interlaced snoozes
Couples who interlace their legs, arms and hands while keeping their faces close together are revealing their intense passion for each other. This position can also signal emotional and physical dependence on your partner.
5. Holding hands
Couples with strong and long relationship usually can hold hands while sleeping. They hold their partner’s hand manifesting that they’ll be with them till the end of time and more if they could. They’re truly always by your side, and your relationship would never fail.
6. Snoozing back to back
Contrary to what you might think, this position tells that the partners are very sure into their relationship and partners so they sleep each side their own. They are completely connected as a couple and trust each other fully, even in sleep.
7. Sleeping on opposite sides
Sleeping on opposite sides shows a healthy independence. Both partners feel relaxed and happy with themselves. They accept one another and show deep understanding. This position is usually for couples who are newly moved in or are 1 year into the relationship.
8. Touching feet
This position reveals several things, if one person seeks contact they want to be emotionally and physically intimate, on the other hand it can be a negative experience if the other person doesn’t respond to their partner’s touch in the same way. When a couple interlaces their feet, they show that they make their decisions together.
9. The space hoarder
The person who usually takes most part of the bed and leaves only a small space for the partner tells that the person is selfish in the relationship and don’t value or respect it
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