5 Benefits Of Dating A Girl
A. To Know if she is a wife materials
Dating her will enable you to know if she's a wife materials. dating will make You to know if she possesses these quality of a wife materials:
1. An excellent cook.
2. God fearing
3. She should not be a party animal.
4. A good home maker
5. Ability to stay with a broke man
6. Submissions
7. Should be in good terms with in laws
8. Uses money wisely.
9. Should not be a nag.
10. Faithful.
B. Dating helps you find the right girl. Dating helps you find the right mate. A person can use dating as a process of filtering out or narrowing the field of eligible girls down to a specific few and eventually to one girl who will be his mate for a lifetime.
C. Dating a girl help you prepare for marriage.
Dating a girl can help you acquire the needed knowledge and skills for a successful marriage. For example, dating helps develop a better understanding of each other's attitudes and behaviors, how to get along, and can increase your ability to discuss and solve relational problems.
D. To satisfy your sexual desire. Although there are alternative means to quench your sexual desire if you are horny but the one of a girlfriend is definitely different. Low risk of HIV/aids, and so many others things that you known.
E. Dating a girl attract respect especially when she is very beautiful and a public admire. Your fellow guys and relative of yours will always give you that regard and other individuals from outsider. Dating a girl can bring fortune. some girls are destiny helper. There is a popular statement that goes " at every successful man there is a woman impacts"
Here are my reasons why I think dating a girl is beneficial. what do you thing? Comments below!
I’d presume “dating” to mean “courtship” Gone are those days our parents get a wife for us. IT is unwisely to married a girl you don't know. This was why dating a girl have alot of benefits. Dating her before getting married to her have a lot of benefit. The following are benefits of dating a girl
A. To Know if she is a wife materials
Dating her will enable you to know if she's a wife materials. dating will make You to know if she possesses these quality of a wife materials:
1. An excellent cook.
2. God fearing
3. She should not be a party animal.
4. A good home maker
5. Ability to stay with a broke man
6. Submissions
7. Should be in good terms with in laws
8. Uses money wisely.
9. Should not be a nag.
10. Faithful.
B. Dating helps you find the right girl. Dating helps you find the right mate. A person can use dating as a process of filtering out or narrowing the field of eligible girls down to a specific few and eventually to one girl who will be his mate for a lifetime.
C. Dating a girl help you prepare for marriage.
Dating a girl can help you acquire the needed knowledge and skills for a successful marriage. For example, dating helps develop a better understanding of each other's attitudes and behaviors, how to get along, and can increase your ability to discuss and solve relational problems.
D. To satisfy your sexual desire. Although there are alternative means to quench your sexual desire if you are horny but the one of a girlfriend is definitely different. Low risk of HIV/aids, and so many others things that you known.
E. Dating a girl attract respect especially when she is very beautiful and a public admire. Your fellow guys and relative of yours will always give you that regard and other individuals from outsider. Dating a girl can bring fortune. some girls are destiny helper. There is a popular statement that goes " at every successful man there is a woman impacts"
Here are my reasons why I think dating a girl is beneficial. what do you thing? Comments below!
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