“Together forever” – Nigerian man takes blood oath with his girlfriend, shares photo. See photos below
A Nigerian man who seeks to spend forever with his girlfriend, has taken a blood oath with her as a mark of their everlasting bond.
Relationships take work. It doesn't matter if you get married, get names tatted, or do a blood covenant if you're not working at the relationship it will not succeed. Below are the reasons why boyfriend and girlfriend should not do blood covenant
It is not good, because that spirit will need blood after some time, that is why in certain families somebody must die in an accident every year.
Breaking a blood oath comes with a high cost. And you won’t know what its going to cost you right away.
You should not do it because YOU CAN NEVER, break a blood oath. A true BLOOD OATH, was given in YOUR LIFES BLOOD! To break a blood oath, you would condemn yourself to death.
Please don’t do Love blood Oaths it means a curse for each individual who participate in it . Long time ago In Okwagbe, lovers who love each other so much but can’t have one another wander somewhere and poke their hands and let their blood drop on Bamboo leafs The guy drank the girls blood and the Girl
drank the guy owns too and they make promises such as we well be together forever even in the afterlife. If one of them die he/she come and haunt the other and take him/her to the Underworld so that they can be reborn together. It really happens Supernatural things well happen if one of the person die first that person well be a demonic spirit and come haunt you Nonstop to take you with them because you made a Blood Oath and a Promise There are stories of people dying and some people survive the demonic spirit. Blood oath is not good and you shouldn’t do it
It is best if the closest person to the covenant can break it. If there is an alter personality of the person who created it, within the mind of the descendant, then they should renounce it. The next best (and perhaps additionally) is the living descendant who feels this curse is lingering over them and wants to renounce it.
The blood covenant is an agreement that either you or an ancestor made, with either another person, God, or a demon.
The covenant must be canceled through this other authority. And the sins attached to it must be dealt with by them as well.
Payment of all sin debt, curses, covenants, etc was paid for, in full, by Jesus the eternal Son of God, who died for our sins on the cross. It is our faith and trust in HIS BLOOD that settles our debt of sin leading to death, and cancels the legal rights to anything demons can hold against us.
And Jesus now has ALL authority in Heaven and on Earth (Matthew 28:18–20). It is these two key facts that make Jesus and the gospel the only way to freedom.
Believing fully in this, and Jesus Christ, the Word of God that became flesh, as your Lord and Savior, YOU will break this covenant in His Name.
Renunciation Prayer and Declaration
Declare this out loud and with faith that it will be broken. If you have details of either the covenant, the names of the people or “gods” involved, what was promised or exchanged, the sins committed, the consequences as a result, etc add them to the prayer-renunciation. The more specific the better. If you get demonic resistance fight and push through it to finish.
“Heavenly Father, I come before you now to ask forgiveness for the curses of my ancestors and those curses I have brought on my own life. I beseech you Lord, on behalf of the ancestors in my father and mother’s lineage going all the way to Adam and Eve.
As I speak and declare each confession, I pray that you would forgive me and my ancestors and put these sins under the blood of my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ of Nazareth.
In the name of Jesus, I renounce and break all curses of false religion and every ungodly covenant or ritual that is on me and future generations. This renunciation includes, but is not limited to, the following curses.
I repent on behalf of the sins and iniquities of mine as well as all of my ancestors going back to Adam and Eve. I revoke all ungodly oaths, vows, and ceremonial acts and rituals involving the worship of false gods, goddesses, and idols.
I renounce and break, in the name of Jesus, every blood covenant entered and I declare them null and void by the blood of Jesus. I ask forgiveness for all bloodshed and every blood covenant with sacrifices of animals or human beings.
I repent for the sins of —
I renounce every curse including —
I ask for healing and restoration in —
In Jesus’s most holy and powerful name. Amen.
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